June 13, 2023

June Coffee of the Month

The June Coffee of the Month is a brew that we made using ingredients you can find all throughout Montana. The Big Sky Brew is a coffee that has real honey, sage, and rosemary mixed into the grounds. We only made 500 bags of Big Sky and it is available till the end of June. 

Order Big Sky Brew: REAL Flavored Coffee of the Month: Honey, Sage, and Rosemary - Whiskey Morning Coffee

Big Sky Brew

Big Sky Coffee


Coffee Roast:


The Big Sky Brew is one of the lighter roast that we have done here at Whiskey Morning Coffee. I would consider the roast to be a medium/light roast. The natural floral notes of the coffee bean mixes well with the floral notes from the honey, sage, and rosemary. The coffee used was a Costa Rican and Ugandan.



Real powdered honey is mixed into the coffee grounds. we knew the coffee needed to have honey in it to get that outdoor taste. However, we found out it is really hard to use honey if it is not just artificial flavorings.

In order to use real honey, we got dehydrated powdered honey and mixed it into the coffee grounds. It took a lot of testing to figure out how much honey to put in the coffee. Too much powdered honey and it would become sticky and clog the coffee filter when brewing.



The sage is my favorite part about the Big Sky Brew. I don't quite know how to describe it, but the sage gives it a native/camping taste and vibe. The sage is not overpowering but rather adds to the natural coffee taste.


When you brew up the Big Sky Brew you will taste the settle amount of rosemary mixed into the coffee grounds. However, when brewing you will get the aroma right off the bat. The Rosemary was added more for the aroma affects then the taste.  



 The Big Sky Brew makes me think of all my friends that are rock climbers and ski bumbs. I have never had a coffee that has more of a taste/aroma/vibe of the outdoors than the Big Sky Brew. I would recommend the Big Sky Brew to anyone.


Enjoy yall,


Owner @ Whiskey Morning Coffee

Order Big Sky CoffeeREAL Flavored Coffee of the Month: Honey, Sage, and Rosemary - Whiskey Morning Coffee

 Big Sky Recipe: Big Sky Strawberry Latte - Whiskey Morning Coffee

Big Sky Strawberry Latte

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